Ian Mathieson


If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams
Leadership skills can be learned; there are few ‘natural’ leaders.

Ian strongly advocates separating leading from managing in both skills and application. Both are essential capacities in today’s organizations but they require different mindsets and related skills.

As co-author of The Effective Leader, Harper Collins, 2002 Ian believes:

  • Leadership is exercised at all levels throughout organizations; it’s not restricted to those traditionally regarded as leaders.
  • Leadership skills are exercised in sporting bodies, community organizations, families, in much the same way as in business or government organizations
  • Leadership of one’s self is the key starting point in effective leadership of others.
  • Leadership skills can be learned; there are few ‘born’ leaders.
  • Leaders need skills to consciously switch between manager mode and leader mode; it’s important to separate out leadership activities from management activities.
His leadership development programs are individually-developed and highly specific to each organization. They are based on careful research, usually requiring Ian to draw together relevant resources and skills such as HR specialist skills. All leadership programs require buy-in and commitment from the head of the organization, and from the participants, so their involvement in its development is essential.

T: +61 411600712  E: ian.mathieson@mathiesonmgt.com.au   W: www.whatdowomenreallywant.com.au